IMTA Events
NATMI Hazardous Materials Training
Join us for a 2-day Hazardous Materials Training Seminar designed to enhance understanding and compliance with hazardous materials regulations.
Safety Professionals Conference
The trucking industry strives to educate and inform every trucking related operation of specific safety information that directly impacts their operation, big or small; however, due to the nature of continual, uphill challenges when it comes ...
NATMI Certified Driver Trainer (CDT) Course
Take the first step toward becoming a Certified Driver Trainer (CDT) with this 2-day training course, the only required course for NATMI’s nationally recognized, university-accredited CDT designation.
Building Blocks of a Safety Culture
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
This interactive seminar will bring together decision-makers, safety leaders, HR professionals, and allied members from member and non-member trucking companies. Attendees will gain valuable insights from industry experts on key safety, compliance, and ris
Truck PAC Golf Outing
Before you officially register for the event, now is the time to confirm your commitment to the outing through a SPONSORSHIP. Corporate payments are accepted for sponsorship fees, and all fees goes directly into the planning of the ...
Truck Driving Championships
The Iowa Truck Driving Championships (TDC) is an annual event that showcases the “Best of the Best” in Iowa’s trucking industry. This annual, family friendly event was first started in 1946 and has continued to be a rich tradition within Iowa’s trucking in
Leadership Conference
Take your career to the next level by strengthening your existing skills and acquiring the skills you are missing. This conference will leave you excited, energized and motivated to continue to stay involved, and active, on both professional and personal l
NATMI Safety Certification Program
12:00 AM
Take your safety leadership to the next level with NATMI’s Certified Safety Supervisor (CSS) or Certified Director of Safety (CDS) program.
Management Conference
Join trucking leaders from across the state & nation at the annual IMTA Management Conference.